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Code: LITEC50W
Colour: White with White Wire Casing
Size: 3m

  • 50 traditional clear fairy bulb with white wire
  • Static burn only
  • Dimension 3m (Looped total length 6m) x 1.5m lead
  • Suitable for indoor use only
  • Mains operated
  • Product complies with Australian safety & performance requirements
  • Sold individually

    Christmas lights are basically cords of small light bulbs that are always present at this time of the year as it gives life and beauty to anything attached to it. The idea of putting lights greatly depends on the kind of theme you want. If you opt for traditional, then lights that come in red, green or gold can be your choices. But if you're the type who prefers a different motif, then you can check out this clear, traditional Christmas lights. It measures 6 metres that includes a 1.5m extension cord that is perfect for indoor use. It only works on 240 volts, so be careful in plugging it to avoid accidents. These 5o Christmas lights that are sold in sets come in clear bulbs with white wire and white base that instantly gives you a White Christmas. And with its constant shine, it'll make your house and Christmas trees brighter than ever.