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Code: TINV2835
Colour: Red & Green
Size: 2.7m x 50mm

  • Red & green strands with red & green dots
  • Dimension 2.7m x 50mm
  • Sold individually

    Are you a mad traditionalist with your Christmas decorations? If so, these wonderful tinsel garlands should be right up your alley! Garlands used to be a traditional feature made of fresh greenery, berries and pinecones. That can still work well . if you`ve got the whole white Christmas thing happening. Here, with our summer Christmas, this modern, lighter alternative can be used in all the same places you`d put traditional garlands, without looking as if you`re trying to ape a northern hemisphere winter Christmas.

    They`re in the traditional Christmas colours of read and green combined. The six ply strands have a dot feature, and are a mix of both colours. They`re 2.7m long, so you get great coverage, whether you`re winding them around stair railings, draping them along mantelpieces or hanging them in loops from beams or across the ceiling.

    You can use these to brighten up a loved old collection of Christmas decorations, or as the foundation for a whole new decorating scheme. Even if you are only having a small family Christmas, brightening up the house will get everyone in a festive mood. If, on the other hand, you`re expecting to do lots of entertaining, you`ll want to make sure your house is as bright and celebratory as possible.

    Think about using these garlands. They`re great fun and will give your house a wonderful party feel. They`re only $13.95 each, so for a relatively small investment, you can create an environment that will be fun and welcoming for everyone, family and friends alike!