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Code: DECRHE78
Colour: Red
Size: 15cm x 20mm x 13cm

  • Red holly stained glass look with red berries & gold glittered frame
  • Dimension 15cm x 20mm x 13cm
  • Sold individually

    The red holly with a stained glass look hanging ornament is a ruby dropped rendition of a leaf of holly with its cluster of berries. Catch the light off the Christmas tree with this unique looking hanging ornament. A cluster of three berries is offset by three ruby red leaves with golden wire lining. Two golden wires spire outwards to resemble leaves. And three wiggly lines have red beads at the end of them. At the end of the day it is a symmetrical imitation of the iconic holiday plant. These individually sold red holly with a stained glass look hanging ornaments would contrast nicely with the green boughs of a Christmas tree or blend in well with a red colour scheme. Consider hanging them at even intervals along a strand of shiny red tinsel. The red holly hanging ornament is perfect for the Christmas decorationsator who enjoys the look of stained and the feel of the colour red.